Membrane Fixation System

MC Bio Supertack System
Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is based on the combined use of a bone substitute and a barrier membrane, which has the dual purpose of:
- Isolating and protecting the hard tissue avoiding the infiltration of fibroblasts at the site to be regenerated
- Stabilizing the graft material to allow clot stabilization and optimal formation of new bone
For proper healing it is essential to avoid movement of the biomaterials.1-2 Fixation of the membrane using a mechanical system can be a suitable option to help achieve stability and improve long term outcomes.3
Key Benefits:
- No pre-drilling of the site required
- Can be used in very compact bone
- Tack shape designed for easy removal
- Blue tack coloring facilitates detection under soft tissues
The Precision Tack System is composed of titanium tacks and a set of instruments that allow quick, optimal application and simple fixation of the membrane.
- Nevins M et al., Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1992; 12 (2): 96-111.
- Wikesjo UM et al., J Periodontol. 1990; 61 (12): 719-724.
- Hutmacher D et al., Implantology. 1998; 3: 213-230.
The Precision Tack System is composed of titanium tacks and a set of instruments that allow quick, optimal application and simple fixation of the membrane.
Product Information
- A normal sterilization cycle is required prior to utilization of the fixation tacks. A class B steam autoclave is recommended.
- It is not necessary to create a pin hole prior to insertion of the tacks as they are designed to penetrate and anchor effectively, even in very compact bone.
- Fixation tacks are equipped with a “harpoon“ that effectively secures them in the bone.
- The shape and structure of the tacks, manufactured with surgical grade titanium alloy, supports effective penetration and stability, even in mandibular bone.
- Tacks are easily removed due to the design of the underside of the tack head which facilitates grip during removal.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a dentist or physician.