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The new Geistlich Patient Information Package is out

Bone augmentation, recession coverage, sinus lift – topics that are sometimes difficult to understand for patients. To enable dentists to easily brief patients on their forthcoming treatment, Geistlich Pharma is providing a Patient Information Package specially prepared for patients and dentists.
November 06, 2016

The flyers on extraction socket management, minor bone augmentations, major bone augmentations, soft-tissue regeneration and periodontitis form the heart of the Patient Information Package. They supply basic details about:

  • the existing deficiency and its therapy,
  • the benefits of treatment,
  • the options for improving success on the part of the patient (compliance),
  • the biomaterials from Geistlich Pharma used during surgery.

Besides the flyers, the package comprises an interactive PDF, animated information movies, notepads, a regenerative passport, an appointment pad and a certificate.

The Geistlich Patient Information Package can be ordered by dentists. Order your personal set for your patient information now for free!

<link file:16559 download file>Please find images under this link.