On March 10, Geistlich will present the Champions League of Dentistry with Daniel Buser, Stephen Chen, Jae-Kook Cha Anastasia Smolyakova and Anton Sculean. Together with numerous other international speakers, those topics inspired by the questions you asked will be explained: "Key aspects for successful guided bone regeneration (GBR)", "Treatment of periimplantitis", "Tips and tricks in soft tissue regeneration". The live event will be moderated by Ronald Jung (Switzerland), the internationally recognized speaker and scientist in the field of hard and soft tissue management.
The L-Shape technique in a live workshop
2021, 1,050 participants made the workshop probably the largest online dental workshop in history to date. The success story will continue in 2022 under the guidance of Dr. med. dent. Nadja Nänni (Switzerland) on bone augmentation with the L-Shape technique in 2022. How does the workshop proceed? Nadja Nänni introduces the topic with an input lecture, provides clinical background and practices with you on the object. This Geistlich vLab™ workshop focuses on prosthetically guided implant placement in esthetic applications. Guided bone regeneration with a bone graft substitute and a resorbable membrane will be practiced on the plastic model. Your participation fee is Euro 79. After successful registration you will receive the Geistlich vLabTM workshop kit with the materials you need to perform the demonstrated procedure. If you would like to follow the workshop proceedings as a spectator without a kit and registration, you can do so via congress stream.
You are the program
One click opens the detailed program: https://congress.geistlich-pharma.com/program. In order to make Geistlich + YOU" accessible to thousands of participants, we bring the online congress to you in the time zones "East" and "West". All presentations will be in English, simultaneously translated for you into five languages: Chinese, French, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. We look forward to seeing you!