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Clinical Case: Facing dehiscence defects in the anterior area. Dr. Shakeel Shahdad

Soft tissue defects are often encountered prior to implantation, resulting in insufficient attached keratinized mucosa, which, if not corrected, results in less than ideal aesthetic outcomes.
August 21, 2018

Recently a two-layer, porcine-derived collagen matrix (Geistlich Mucograft®) has been investigated for the treatment of dehiscence defects around teeth and for augmenting keratinized tissue around teeth and implants supporting fixed prosthetic restorations.1-4

The matrix is composed of type I and type III collagen and is thicker than conventional collagen membranes. Intraoral soft tissue around the periphery of the graft grows through, rather than under, the matrix, as it is replacing it. 

A 62-year old healthy, non-smoker male presented with a 7 mm “v” shaped gingival recession defect extending to the apex of the upper left central incisor (Fig. A, B). There was no underlying medical history of any significance.


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